The Revery Workshop
is a platform for radical creativity.

Many of us have given away our time for being creative. In doing so, we’ve lost something important in life.

And some people don’t believe they are creative, or they believe they’ve lost their curiosity.

Creativity and curiosity aren’t innate qualities we’re born with. Creativity and curiosity are skills we learn and practices we develop. We can learn and develop these skills and practices at any time. And if we’ve forgotten them or just gotten out of habit, we can renew them with a bit of effort.

Revery is not about innovation.

Revery is not about instrumentalizing or operationalizing creativity and curiosity to hasten or amplify productivity. 

Revery is about reclaiming our time and attention.

Revery is putting our imagination into action through deliberate practice.

Revery is learning the skills and habits of creativity and nourishing them throughout life.